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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Healing Your Flash disk From Viruses

Written By : Lucky Pangestu
Jakarta, Wed, 24/02/2010, 1:16AM

Nowadays most people especially students and employers need flash disk to keep their data, pictures or documents whereas it is more simply than before while people were still using cd or diskettes. So I think that I should have one to save my data and documents, because I will have a lot of work and things to do for my study, and then I went to one of computer shops nearby my college. I saw many kinds of flash disk there and they are different in capacity and colors, I was so confused which one should I bought. Haha, I have to look my money first.. My money was just enough to buy a flash disk with 2GB of capacity, hopefully that would be good for that time. Then I choose 2GB flash disk, so I should called up the shopkeeper then..Me:“sir, can I see this one”, Shopkeeper:“oh yes of course”. Me:”how long is the guarantee for this flash disk sir”. Shopkeeper:”aaa, 3 months guarantee from our shop”. Me:”okay, I take this one sir”. After a short bargained then their came the fix prices.. So I paid then take away the flash disk, I really felt the used of this things, I can save a lot of my college works. After a long time, may be around 1 – 2 months there comes a problem to my flash disk, may be because I plug it in many places so one kind of viruses stayed inside my flash disk. At that time I want to check my work, because I have to finish the work for the next day. When I connected it to my laptop, the flash disk worked properly but when I open the flash disk I was shocked because none of my data were seen there. I’m in a big trouble because I can’t check my works, I was so confused that day because I lose all my files and everything inside my flash disk. But, things that made me more confused was when I looked up the capacity of the flash disk, that shown the same capacity as usual while all my data inside it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Pengertian, Tujuan dan Ruang Lingkup Ilmu Budaya Dasar

Posted on Oktober 21, 2008 by Pakde sofa

Pengertian, Tujuan dan Ruang Lingkup Ilmu Budaya Dasar

IBD adalah pengetahuan yang diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan dasar dan pengertian umum tentang konsep-konsep yang dikembangkan untuk mengkaji masalah-masalah manusia dan kebudayaan. Istilah IBD dikembangkan petama kali di Indonesia sebagai pengganti istilah basic humanitiesm yang berasal dari istilah bahasa Inggris “the Humanities”. Adapun istilah humanities itu sendiri berasal dari bahasa latin humnus yang astinya manusia, berbudaya dan halus. Dengan mempelajari th humanities diandaikan seseorang akan bisa menjadi lebih manusiawi, lebih berbudaya dan lebih halus. Dengan mempelajari the humanities diandaikan seseorang akan bisa menjadi lebih manusiawi, lebih berbudaya dan lebih halus. Dengan demikian bisa dikatakan bahwa the humanities berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai manusia sebagai homo humanus atau manusia berbudaya. Agar manusia menjadi humanus, mereka harus mempelajari ilmu yaitu the humanities disamping tidak meninggalkan tanggungjawabnya yang lain sebagai manusia itu sendiri.
Untuk mengetahui bahwa ilmu budaya dasar termasuk kelompok pengetahuan budaya lebih dahulu perlu diketahui pengelompokan ilmu pengetahuan. Prof Dr.Harsya Bactiar mengemukakan bahwa ilmu dan pengetahuan dikelompokkan dalam tiga kelompok besar yaitu :