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Sunday, March 7, 2010

English is Important

Nowadays we almost going through the real of globalization era where foreigners apply to work in Indonesia and even Indonesian can also do. As we know also that to face the globalization we must follow the globalization especially language because there will be a global language on the global era. English is the first language spoken in this world, to face the globalization era; we must able to speak English and understanding what foreigners talk about if we work with them after. Being a university student we should learn and should be able to understand English very well because it will be useful for our future especially for job. What we get on college are a lot of grammar and less conversation, so that we must learn the conversation by self. There are some of university students who understand the grammar but they can’t speak English as well as they understand the grammar. Even if we don’t like English so much but we must learn English for a better future be when we because may be when we graduate from university we would be in the globalization era where English would be the first spoken language everywhere.

Many people get difficult in learning English or they might be felt bored because they have learnt English for a long time but still they can’t speak very well. What we need for the globalization era is the conversation, our knowledge about grammar and so on may be needed for our TOEFL or IELTS score for a sign that we do understand English well. But not only that needed for applying one job because there will be a conversation test. So what I want to share it here is how to learn English and how to make it fun and enjoy for us to learn it. There are many ways to learn English for example we can improve our ability in speaking English by reading book which is written in English, maybe we can learn it by listening to the western music and understanding the meaning for each lyrics. Of course there would be a process and not a short time for us to speak English fluently, there is another way beside reading and listening music for example by visual like movies or short movies where the actors speak in English. Slowly we can understand the movies or short movies/ comedy, we could understand to what the actors say. I also have a lot of trouble to learn English, then when I was I junior high school I tried and work hard until I have a conversation with foreigners even though my English is still not so good. I still remember the way I learn English, what I did before was I looked up into dictionary and it is good if we try to have the oxford dictionary. I took one word from the dictionary and I tried to understand the meaning of the word, so that when I knew the meaning then I tried to use the language for daily conversation at school. After I thought that way work for me so I did it again everyday, I looked up on my dictionary looking for one word that was most useful words for daily conversation and then again I use the word at school to talk with all of my friends. As I said before that it will take a several time or may be a short time, at that time I need 6 months to improve my English. Since that time I was feeling so happy because I could speak English well with others and after that learning on that was funny and I really enjoyed at that time.

I also did one of the three ways written above; I like to listen classical song for example the beatles. So I choose to listen to the beatles songs and downloading all of their lyrics and slowly understanding the meaning of the song and understanding every single line on the lyrics. I think every people have their own favourite singer or band, we can learn English from their songs. Learning English is very fun but other things that we should remember is not to be shy, many people were shy to learn English because may be they will not feel so confidence. The reasons why people are not confidence because they are afraid if the words which is spoke from their mouth is wrong but actually that’s okay because we are still learning and we are trying to enjoy it not to force it. Even according to my experience may be I have done a lot mistakes while learning English, but I try to move on and covered all up until I could speak English well.

May be we can make a group to improve our English by opening conversation in English, may be you will also feel that if you talk with another friends or a group of you in English you will think other who heard will blame you or said that we are arrogant. We are not showing off or not to attract people but we are learning for our future to face the globalization era. Come on!! Let us learn English together, until now I still improving my ability to speak in English to be better or best. You will have your own way of learning English and feel more enjoyable if we don’t force it just do it and try to speak the words which you’ve learned. English is very important for us especially young people who are attempting to get ready for job and globalization era. So this is the end of my articles, hopes this articles will be useful for all of you. Thanks for all of your kind attention. If there’s a critic or comments please leave on “Buku Tamu”. See ya on my next articles guys..